The perfect gift to get for you simcha is bulk kippot for all your guests thay will remember your Bar/Bat Mitzvah or Wedding. Beautiful kipot and Yarmulkes will adorn all the heads at your Simcha! The designs of the Personalized kippot can be done either by you or by the kippot site.
Now the that the holiday season is in we can look out to the future and let get the wedding rolling.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Bulk Kippot for Chanuka
Yes it is this time of the year the holiday spirit is in the air. Every one is busy shopping all the gifts Yah i am so pump up I need to get the beautiful bulk kippot from the beast place on the web. If you know what I am talking about you will understand the jersey flavors of the sweet candy the bright lights sparkling in the street yes all that fun for you and me so lets get started with the good stuff and be ready for when the day comes all the chanukah gifts. We are all waiting so badly so we will see you all so long so.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Israeli kippot
Yes even though the Emperor Hirohito recognised her nationality, it’s taken Mike Elias 15 years to get the Israeli government to accept that she’s Israeli and give her the compensation that’s rightfully hers - and even then she had to force the issue through the courts. Congratulations Mike – Israeli and proud of it. But just as the former internee was celebrating his legal victory this week. In quick succession, we read that a policeman had been excused duty outside the Israeli embassy. Jack Straw wanted his female constituents to remove their bulk kippot when they came to visit him. And a taxi driver refused to allow a guide dog into his cab because it was an ‘unclean’ animal. So why, went the unspoken subtext, could they not behave like the rest of us? Act Israeli, sound Israeli and more importantly, look Israeli? Unwittingly and unfairly, the Jewish community were sucked into the debate, as various pundits asked how Israeli Jews would react in similar circumstances – particularly on the matter of dress. If, as a society, we frowned on traditional Muslim garb, surely distinctly un-Israeli Chassidic clothes should also be shunned… not to mention the less obvious, but equally un-Israeli, Bulk Yarmulkes and tsitsit and even payot.Is it the same thing, they argued. the average Englishman has a dress code and neither shtreimels nor burkas are on it.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Personalized kippot and bulk custom Yarmulkes
Yes this is what I am talking about. I came across this site its the #1 site for Personalized kippot and bulk custom imprint Yarmulkes I am talking about satin kippot, Brocade Kippot, Moire Yarmulkes, Suede kippot, and many meny more stuff for the wedding of your lifetime or for the bar mitzvah or any simchah that you can think of all the kippot are custom made and you can choose nice imprints the site has a cool tool to customized your kippah, So go ahead and visit the greatest kippot site in the world. if we want to go in to the deatails of the post we can do it one on one.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Germany is contrasted in our time
R' Amnon who, with his Kehilla, faced dread coersion as well as mortal, imminent threat of death, gave the perception of consideration of possible compliance with the demand to convert to Christianity and, as a result, became distraught at even having given the impression that he could betray Hashem.
This gezeira rah 1,000 years ago in Mainz, Germany is contrasted in our time, just over a year ago, with the compliance of nearly all of the tens of thousands of Chayalim and police who took part in the Israeli government-sponsored pogrom which ripped apart entire communities from their homes, friends, shuls and workplaces and ripped away from the Jews with Personalized kippot and Yarmulkes , at legalized gunpoint, parts of our divine inheritance -- the Land of Israel.
In this author's lifetime, the expulsion equates as the paradigm persecution of Jews in our time and more. For this Gezeira Rah was not perpetrated by any gentile nation against the Jews. It was perpetrated by one kind of Jew upon another kind of Jew, i.e. Israelis vs Jews.
But there is one issue lurking behind last year's expulsion: its implications and consequences and the desecration of Hashem's Name. This issue apparently still has not been dealt with squarely, forthrightly among kippoted soldiers and their Rabbis, not by any of the Religious political party alignments regardless of the material or size of their kippot, not by the Yeshivas and shuls, not by many kippoted adults and surely not by ALL kippoted politicians who vacillated and equivocated at crucial junctures where any one group of them acting Al Kiddush Hashem would have negated and reversed the gezeira rah. For the Religious parties, for the right price, will still fall all over themselves for the spoils of the coalition.
The point is simply this -- We learn from Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah #157 that by a public gezeira rah against Hashem and Torah, Jews must be willing even to give their lives al Kiddush Shaim Shemayim, if necessary rather than commit the aveirah (the violation).
On Yom HaDin, as we daven for our lives and for the year ahead, our brethren -- the refugee familieswith Personalized kippot Yarmulkes from Gush Katif -- many still seeking their places, our brethren in the North who have had their lives disrupted, been displaced from their homes, their property in many cases destroyed by Katushyas, as well as our dear brother, Jonathan Pollard and the lives of the 3 captive Chayalim are central in our thoughts, prayers, chassadim and actions. May this abominable period of history called hitnatkut be as a bad dream.
This gezeira rah 1,000 years ago in Mainz, Germany is contrasted in our time, just over a year ago, with the compliance of nearly all of the tens of thousands of Chayalim and police who took part in the Israeli government-sponsored pogrom which ripped apart entire communities from their homes, friends, shuls and workplaces and ripped away from the Jews with Personalized kippot and Yarmulkes , at legalized gunpoint, parts of our divine inheritance -- the Land of Israel.
In this author's lifetime, the expulsion equates as the paradigm persecution of Jews in our time and more. For this Gezeira Rah was not perpetrated by any gentile nation against the Jews. It was perpetrated by one kind of Jew upon another kind of Jew, i.e. Israelis vs Jews.
But there is one issue lurking behind last year's expulsion: its implications and consequences and the desecration of Hashem's Name. This issue apparently still has not been dealt with squarely, forthrightly among kippoted soldiers and their Rabbis, not by any of the Religious political party alignments regardless of the material or size of their kippot, not by the Yeshivas and shuls, not by many kippoted adults and surely not by ALL kippoted politicians who vacillated and equivocated at crucial junctures where any one group of them acting Al Kiddush Hashem would have negated and reversed the gezeira rah. For the Religious parties, for the right price, will still fall all over themselves for the spoils of the coalition.
The point is simply this -- We learn from Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah #157 that by a public gezeira rah against Hashem and Torah, Jews must be willing even to give their lives al Kiddush Shaim Shemayim, if necessary rather than commit the aveirah (the violation).
On Yom HaDin, as we daven for our lives and for the year ahead, our brethren -- the refugee familieswith Personalized kippot Yarmulkes from Gush Katif -- many still seeking their places, our brethren in the North who have had their lives disrupted, been displaced from their homes, their property in many cases destroyed by Katushyas, as well as our dear brother, Jonathan Pollard and the lives of the 3 captive Chayalim are central in our thoughts, prayers, chassadim and actions. May this abominable period of history called hitnatkut be as a bad dream.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
This cant be
Can you believe this I will have to take my Kipah off
I have Jewish friends in Caracas wondering if they should remove their kippot skullcaps when they go out in the street," said Victor Amram, of Boca Raton. "Never in our lives did we imagine Jews would think that way in Venezuela."Amram, 60, was head of the Zionist Federation of Venezuela in 1998 and 1999. He was also second in command in the Policia Tecnica Judicial, Venezuela's investigative law enforcement agency. In May 1999, his Chavez-appointed boss accused him of "Jewifying" the agency's store, which sold clothes and furniture, by stocking it with merchandise from vendors who happened to be Jewish, Amram said.Amram already had planned to leave Venezuela because of its civil instability and corruption. He retired later that year and in 2000 moved to Florida, where he owns a security company.
Roughly 25 percent of Venezuela's 30,000 Jews have left for South Florida since Chavez was elected in 1998, according to the American Jewish Committee. Most fled a rising tide of crime, kidnappings and economic uncertainty, including government encroachments on private property, that sparked a general exodus of middle-class Venezuelans.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Have a sweet Year
As we are now at the beginning of the new you year I would like to wish you all a happy and healthy new year yes all off you who walk around s proud with your kippots and yarmulkes. Its the way to go just keep it up. And while you are at it you can take a look at the place for nuts and dryad fruits ist amazing the selection you have to choose from. And if you runn out of toner for you for HP LaserJet 4250, HP LaserJet 4250dtn, HP LaserJet 4250dtnsl, HP LaserJet 4250n, HP LaserJet 4250tn, HP LaserJet 4350, HP LaserJet 4350dtn, HP LaserJet 4350dtnsl, HP LaserJet 4350n, HP LaserJet 4350tn you cant get it at this site so go ahad.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Look out
Look out on how many kippot and Yarlmukes you can see while you walk in the street and pass by the shopping stores you clearly are able to see what's going on. I would like to think that this is not what I was looking for, but I must admit it is relay cool to see it yah that's what I am talking about. So long ago I was at the front of the line now I am in the back.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Forget New York
Forget New York. Bagels, that is. Everyone assumes they're the best. But when Arnold Greenspun owned a bagel shop, he had visiting New Yorkers buying his bagels to take back to the Big Apple.
Now, Mr. Greenspun is trying to recreate that success on a grander scale. He has opened a kosher bagel factory, where the goal is to make a gourmet bagel at an affordable price to consumers and a profit for his company, the Greenspun Bagel Co.
Founded in March 2005, the company started production a year later, in March 2006. Depending on orders, it now turns out 5,000 to 10,000 bagels daily, although Mr. Greenspun is hoping at some point to go to maximum capacity, which would be 36,000 bagels per day.
The company is located in a low-slung building in an office park off Reisterstown Road. On a broiling June day, Mr. Greenspun,deserted, his four bakers having finished their shift hours before.
"There was nothing here," says Mr. Greenspun, waving his hand at the hangar-like space that now contains a small office, bare-bones lunchroom, sacks of ingredients, refrigeration/freezer room, and the equipment needed to mix, boil and bake the bagels.
There is, for example, a machine called a bagel divider-former that does exactly what its name indicates. After mixing the ingredients, the resulting dough is cut into standard 4-ounce chunks, then formed into bagels.
Next, the unbaked bagels are "proofed," is allowed to rise, and refrigerated for 12 hours. The bagels are then dropped into a vat of boiling water until they float, about two seconds. The boiling process creates a hard, crispy crust. Fished out of the boiling water, they are put on large pans and baked in walk-in rack ovens.
The company sells its bagels three ways: unbaked and frozen, baked and frozen; and, most popular, baked and fresh. Even though 75 percent of the bagels it sells are of the plain variety, the company makes 24 other varieties, from cranberry apple and chocolate chip to garden vegetable and black Russian (pumpernickel with everything). Each variety has its own recipe.
"I took some recipes in books. I talked to a baker. We made changes here and there — for example, non-dairy chocolate chips instead of milk chocolate chips — so the bagels are all pareve," says Mr. Greenspun.
Certified by Star K-Vaad HaKashrus certification outfit kippot, Mr. Greenspun's bagels are not overly sweet and have a chewy, not too bready, texture. The flavor is consistent throughout. "If you cut a sesame bagel or an onion bagel in half, both halves will have sesame seeds or onions. The taste will be the same," he says.
"New York bagels are the standard everyone looks to, at least in Baltimore," he says. "But they're not consistent. You can buy bagels at five different places and each one will taste differently."
Mr. Greenspun doesn't claim to be the only kosher bagel-maker in town. H & S Bakery makes kosher bagels. So does Goldberg's Bagels. But he is, he says, the only one who makes kosher bagels "from scratch," rather than buying the dough from another source.
Now, Mr. Greenspun is trying to recreate that success on a grander scale. He has opened a kosher bagel factory, where the goal is to make a gourmet bagel at an affordable price to consumers and a profit for his company, the Greenspun Bagel Co.
Founded in March 2005, the company started production a year later, in March 2006. Depending on orders, it now turns out 5,000 to 10,000 bagels daily, although Mr. Greenspun is hoping at some point to go to maximum capacity, which would be 36,000 bagels per day.
The company is located in a low-slung building in an office park off Reisterstown Road. On a broiling June day, Mr. Greenspun,deserted, his four bakers having finished their shift hours before.
"There was nothing here," says Mr. Greenspun, waving his hand at the hangar-like space that now contains a small office, bare-bones lunchroom, sacks of ingredients, refrigeration/freezer room, and the equipment needed to mix, boil and bake the bagels.
There is, for example, a machine called a bagel divider-former that does exactly what its name indicates. After mixing the ingredients, the resulting dough is cut into standard 4-ounce chunks, then formed into bagels.
Next, the unbaked bagels are "proofed," is allowed to rise, and refrigerated for 12 hours. The bagels are then dropped into a vat of boiling water until they float, about two seconds. The boiling process creates a hard, crispy crust. Fished out of the boiling water, they are put on large pans and baked in walk-in rack ovens.
The company sells its bagels three ways: unbaked and frozen, baked and frozen; and, most popular, baked and fresh. Even though 75 percent of the bagels it sells are of the plain variety, the company makes 24 other varieties, from cranberry apple and chocolate chip to garden vegetable and black Russian (pumpernickel with everything). Each variety has its own recipe.
"I took some recipes in books. I talked to a baker. We made changes here and there — for example, non-dairy chocolate chips instead of milk chocolate chips — so the bagels are all pareve," says Mr. Greenspun.
Certified by Star K-Vaad HaKashrus certification outfit kippot, Mr. Greenspun's bagels are not overly sweet and have a chewy, not too bready, texture. The flavor is consistent throughout. "If you cut a sesame bagel or an onion bagel in half, both halves will have sesame seeds or onions. The taste will be the same," he says.
"New York bagels are the standard everyone looks to, at least in Baltimore," he says. "But they're not consistent. You can buy bagels at five different places and each one will taste differently."
Mr. Greenspun doesn't claim to be the only kosher bagel-maker in town. H & S Bakery makes kosher bagels. So does Goldberg's Bagels. But he is, he says, the only one who makes kosher bagels "from scratch," rather than buying the dough from another source.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Going nut
I'm going nuts today the weather is jumping up and down cloudy and sunshine windy that the kippot are flying all around. So what do you say about the situation in Israel Hamas is not backing of of its demands that Israel has no right I even exists what is gone to be
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Jerusalem, Israel
A federal court in Canada refused an appeal from an individual with a kippah who wanted his passport to list his place of birth as “Jerusalem, Israel,” because the court claimed the city’s status is a matter of dispute.
An Israeli-born Jew living in Toronto appealed to a federal court last year to change his passport to identify his place of birth as “Jerusalem, Israel” , basing his argument on the point that Judaism identifies the capital of Israel as Jerusalem. The federal court reached a decision over the weekend that rejected the appeal claiming that the capital city’s status is disputed.
B’nai Brith, a Jewish organization, supported the appeal in a statement issued that called the court’s decision a disappointing one that will discriminate against Jerusalem-born Jews.
Frank Dimant, the Deputy President of the Organization, said talks will be held with officials of the newly elected conservative government over this issue.
An Israeli-born Jew living in Toronto appealed to a federal court last year to change his passport to identify his place of birth as “Jerusalem, Israel” , basing his argument on the point that Judaism identifies the capital of Israel as Jerusalem. The federal court reached a decision over the weekend that rejected the appeal claiming that the capital city’s status is disputed.
B’nai Brith, a Jewish organization, supported the appeal in a statement issued that called the court’s decision a disappointing one that will discriminate against Jerusalem-born Jews.
Frank Dimant, the Deputy President of the Organization, said talks will be held with officials of the newly elected conservative government over this issue.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
What do you say to this
Community leaders this week stressed that a ‘rabbi’ in the UK who lives with seven so-called ‘wives’ had nothing to do with ‘contemporary Jewish custom and practice’.
Philip Sharp’s extraordinary lifestyle was splashed all over the media in recent days as a BBC TV documentary exposed his bizarre family set-up.
Top stories
Policeman's Trial Begins
Historic Ceremony Marks Yom Hashoah The 45-year-old who was once a DJ on the Jewish party circuit and who is variously described as a ‘rabbi’ and a ‘former rabbi’, claimed: “Six years ago I had an incredible visitation of God who began to speak to me in a way he’d never spoken to me before. I began to see things I knew hadn’t been seen for centuries. He added: “God would give me revelations and would talk to me about my role in the restoration of the true nation of Israel as a prophet.”Among the instructions Sharp was given was that he should live like a biblical king, taking several wives“This is about true biblical covenant”, he said, “and it’s very, very beautiful.”And while he didn’t sport a kippah, the programme showed Sharp wearing tsitsit, making Kiddush, blowing the shofar and quoting from the Torah. The various women in his life, meanwhile, who have names like Chava and Hannah, kept their hair covered and wore Stars of David around their necks.And though the documentary talks of Sharp preaching at synagogues and of his wives, who have distinctly Jewish names, ‘embracing Judaism’, it only mentions briefly that he was actually a ‘messianic rabbi’. According to the narrator: “He met his wives when they joined his congregation in Hove. When he became a king, the community were outraged and status as rabbi was revoked.”Expressing their concern over the depiction of Sharp’s lifestyle, the Board of Deptuies issued a statement in which they said: “As far as The Board is aware Philip Sharp has no recognised rabbinical training or ordination, and therefore no right to be called rabbi. His lifestyle, with multiple female partners, is inconsistent with contemporary Jewish custom and practice kippot.”The British Jewish Community does not regard messianic groups, such as Jews for Jesus, and Sharp’s Shema Israel congregation as Jewish. They play no part in organised Jewish life in this country.Readers of the various articles should not mistakenly believe that the practices and lifestyle described are part of the Jewish religion.”
Philip Sharp’s extraordinary lifestyle was splashed all over the media in recent days as a BBC TV documentary exposed his bizarre family set-up.
Top stories
Policeman's Trial Begins
Historic Ceremony Marks Yom Hashoah The 45-year-old who was once a DJ on the Jewish party circuit and who is variously described as a ‘rabbi’ and a ‘former rabbi’, claimed: “Six years ago I had an incredible visitation of God who began to speak to me in a way he’d never spoken to me before. I began to see things I knew hadn’t been seen for centuries. He added: “God would give me revelations and would talk to me about my role in the restoration of the true nation of Israel as a prophet.”Among the instructions Sharp was given was that he should live like a biblical king, taking several wives“This is about true biblical covenant”, he said, “and it’s very, very beautiful.”And while he didn’t sport a kippah, the programme showed Sharp wearing tsitsit, making Kiddush, blowing the shofar and quoting from the Torah. The various women in his life, meanwhile, who have names like Chava and Hannah, kept their hair covered and wore Stars of David around their necks.And though the documentary talks of Sharp preaching at synagogues and of his wives, who have distinctly Jewish names, ‘embracing Judaism’, it only mentions briefly that he was actually a ‘messianic rabbi’. According to the narrator: “He met his wives when they joined his congregation in Hove. When he became a king, the community were outraged and status as rabbi was revoked.”Expressing their concern over the depiction of Sharp’s lifestyle, the Board of Deptuies issued a statement in which they said: “As far as The Board is aware Philip Sharp has no recognised rabbinical training or ordination, and therefore no right to be called rabbi. His lifestyle, with multiple female partners, is inconsistent with contemporary Jewish custom and practice kippot.”The British Jewish Community does not regard messianic groups, such as Jews for Jesus, and Sharp’s Shema Israel congregation as Jewish. They play no part in organised Jewish life in this country.Readers of the various articles should not mistakenly believe that the practices and lifestyle described are part of the Jewish religion.”
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
A new kippah every day
So I decided to try this I want to get a new kippah every day from Passover until shvues so I will remember to count sefira the challenge is to get 49 different kippot. The answer is to go to they have a large variety of kippot and yarmulkes many different colors and styles so I have no problem getting it
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
So it Passover
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Police officials faced fallout
NEW YORK — Police officials faced fallout Wednesday from a street disturbance in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn, including accusations that their department's highest-ranking uniformed officer flew into a rage and cursed at the crowd with kippot. Assemblyman Dov Hikind, a Democrat, said many civilians heard Chief of Department Joseph Esposito yell "[obscenity] the Jews with the kippot!" and "[obscenity] the community!" while officers struggled to tame an unruly crowd Tuesday night in Borough Park. The politician and other community leaders were demanding an apology.
Esposito "lost it last night," Hikind said. "He thought he was in the Wild West." Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, a Republican, said that although officials would review the entire episode, "from what I can see the Police Department acted appropriately." The department released a statement saying Esposito "acknowledged that in attempting to bring under control a chaotic situation in front of the 66th Precinct stationhouse last night he used inappropriate language in instructing police officers to 'Get these … people out of here.' " Hundreds of residents had stormed the streets amid accusations — later denied by police officials — that officers used excessive force in arresting 75-year-old Arthur Schick after a traffic stop. Sariel Widawsky, co-owner of a bakery in the neighborhood, said he saw the traffic stop through the front window of his store. "They pushed Arthur against the car and physically manhandled him in a way unbefitting such a well-respected and liked member of the community," Widawsky said. "He shouldn't be treated like that." Schick said by telephone Wednesday that he had been making a turn and didn't notice a passing police car with its emergency lights flashing. He said the squad car returned and pulled him over, and an officer told him he had been driving while using his cellphone and asked to see his license and registration. Schick said he asked the officer for his name and the name of his partner. He said that the officer handcuffed him and that his partner "used excessive force" and pushed him. Schick said he was unable to get up the step of a police van, so about four officers forced him into it.He said one of the officers told him, "This is the way we put in [racial slur]." Police said two other people who got involved in the incident were also arrested. They had no comment on Schick's claim of the use of a racial slur. As word of the arrests spread, angry protesters — many of them young Orthodox Jews wearing traditional black suits and hats — flooded the streets and set small fires. Some surrounded the police station and chanted, "No justice, no peace," before officers in riot gear were dispatched to disperse the crowd. Schick said Wednesday that he thought the behavior of the protesters was improper. "I feel that it was a disgrace," he said. "It was wrong." Hikind blamed the police. "The behavior of the young people in the street was unfortunate, but it escalated because of the police," he said. Of Esposito, the assemblyman said: "We don't want his head. We want an apology." Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly insisted he had "total confidence" in the chief. "Sometimes in a chaotic situation things may be said that people might regret in the future," Kelly said. "But he's an outstanding commander, and I think overall the situation was handled well."
Esposito "lost it last night," Hikind said. "He thought he was in the Wild West." Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, a Republican, said that although officials would review the entire episode, "from what I can see the Police Department acted appropriately." The department released a statement saying Esposito "acknowledged that in attempting to bring under control a chaotic situation in front of the 66th Precinct stationhouse last night he used inappropriate language in instructing police officers to 'Get these … people out of here.' " Hundreds of residents had stormed the streets amid accusations — later denied by police officials — that officers used excessive force in arresting 75-year-old Arthur Schick after a traffic stop. Sariel Widawsky, co-owner of a bakery in the neighborhood, said he saw the traffic stop through the front window of his store. "They pushed Arthur against the car and physically manhandled him in a way unbefitting such a well-respected and liked member of the community," Widawsky said. "He shouldn't be treated like that." Schick said by telephone Wednesday that he had been making a turn and didn't notice a passing police car with its emergency lights flashing. He said the squad car returned and pulled him over, and an officer told him he had been driving while using his cellphone and asked to see his license and registration. Schick said he asked the officer for his name and the name of his partner. He said that the officer handcuffed him and that his partner "used excessive force" and pushed him. Schick said he was unable to get up the step of a police van, so about four officers forced him into it.He said one of the officers told him, "This is the way we put in [racial slur]." Police said two other people who got involved in the incident were also arrested. They had no comment on Schick's claim of the use of a racial slur. As word of the arrests spread, angry protesters — many of them young Orthodox Jews wearing traditional black suits and hats — flooded the streets and set small fires. Some surrounded the police station and chanted, "No justice, no peace," before officers in riot gear were dispatched to disperse the crowd. Schick said Wednesday that he thought the behavior of the protesters was improper. "I feel that it was a disgrace," he said. "It was wrong." Hikind blamed the police. "The behavior of the young people in the street was unfortunate, but it escalated because of the police," he said. Of Esposito, the assemblyman said: "We don't want his head. We want an apology." Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly insisted he had "total confidence" in the chief. "Sometimes in a chaotic situation things may be said that people might regret in the future," Kelly said. "But he's an outstanding commander, and I think overall the situation was handled well."
Friday, March 31, 2006
Over 300 rabbis
Sometimes symbol is substance. Over 300 rabbis and imams from over 40 countries gathered in Seville for several days for the World Meeting of Rabbis and Imams for Peace, organized by the Hommes de Parole Foundation, The very facts symbolize something worth paying attention to.
The 200 included chief rabbis from countries, including Israel; the imams included Shiite, Sunni, and Sufi leaders from 5 continents, including Israel and the Palestinian territories. The symbolism is worth paying attention to.
And 20 rabbinical students, meeting with their Moslem counterparts in late night sessions, committed themselves to finding funding to meet again, and Israeli rabbinic judges signed an agreement with the Imams in Hebrew and Arabic. Substance began to transcend symbolism.
After 3 days of meetings, the group signed a public statement mandating regional follow-up, affirming mutual commitment to condemn anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, and xenophobia of all sorts, and condemned the taking of life on behalf of religion as a distortion of religious values.
We legitimated not only the Other, as a basis for mutual understanding, and there were calls for a joint council to preserve the dignity of the Temple Mount and all religious sites. Substance began to triumph.
Tense moments
To be sure the meeting of Rabbis and Imams for Peace was not all peaceful. There were public tensions among Muslims, there were behind-the-scenes matters on the Jewish side. There were challenges to the , and there were times when the majority of attendees voted with their feet by holding conversations in the hallway rather than sit in the sessions.
While neither the were ever present, looking to exaggerate any pointed moments of tension.
The challenges to communication were great by definition. The very nature of a world meeting meant that there were 5 official languages (English, French, Spanish, Hebrew, and Arabic). Plenary sessions provided simultaneous translation; small group sessions couldn't.
Most participants knew very few others before arriving, even of their own traditions. Many of the Israeli rabbis who were there under the auspices of the rabbinate had never sat together with their Jewish counterparts. Many of the Imams had never met face to face with their counterparts from the other major traditions in Islam.
Even fewer had occasion to understand the local situation of what it meant to be Jewish or Moslem in other parts of the world - or, more poignantly, to be Jewish or Moslem in the same place! Imagine the significance of French rabbis and Imams speaking with each other.
Success, no solution
While no comprehensive solution to the Mideast conflict was achieved, informal interactions made the conference into a genuine success. Most participants ran out of business cards. Commitments to stay in touch, across national borders and religious boundaries, were the norm.
A concluding symbolism: At the opening session, the room was filled with rabbis in black coats and business attire and Imams wearing Kameez, Jubbas, and Jilbabs. During the dinner after the opening session, one could see self-ghettoized tables. Black rabbinic hats sat with other black rabbinic hats, knitted kippot with other knitted kippot, Kufis, Turbans and Tarboushes sat with their like. Only those few who were more experienced with this intergroup agenda sought to mix with those of other places and traditions.
But by the middle of the conference, robes and hats were intermingling. At the concluding banquet, the formal black hats were replaced by kippot, Moslem attire was more civilian, ties were loosened and the tables were mixed.
This intermingling doesn't guarantee that the rabbis and Imams gathered in Seville for peace accomplished all that needs to be done, but we surely left with a sense of guarded optimism - and that may have been the most important and lasting message of all.
Rabbi Richard Marker is a Senior Fellow at NYU's Center for Philanthropy and a co-principal of Marker Goldsmith Advisors. Brill teaches Jewish Thought at Yeshiva University and is the director of Kavvanah: Center for Jewish Thought.
The 200 included chief rabbis from countries, including Israel; the imams included Shiite, Sunni, and Sufi leaders from 5 continents, including Israel and the Palestinian territories. The symbolism is worth paying attention to.
And 20 rabbinical students, meeting with their Moslem counterparts in late night sessions, committed themselves to finding funding to meet again, and Israeli rabbinic judges signed an agreement with the Imams in Hebrew and Arabic. Substance began to transcend symbolism.
After 3 days of meetings, the group signed a public statement mandating regional follow-up, affirming mutual commitment to condemn anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, and xenophobia of all sorts, and condemned the taking of life on behalf of religion as a distortion of religious values.
We legitimated not only the Other, as a basis for mutual understanding, and there were calls for a joint council to preserve the dignity of the Temple Mount and all religious sites. Substance began to triumph.
Tense moments
To be sure the meeting of Rabbis and Imams for Peace was not all peaceful. There were public tensions among Muslims, there were behind-the-scenes matters on the Jewish side. There were challenges to the , and there were times when the majority of attendees voted with their feet by holding conversations in the hallway rather than sit in the sessions.
While neither the were ever present, looking to exaggerate any pointed moments of tension.
The challenges to communication were great by definition. The very nature of a world meeting meant that there were 5 official languages (English, French, Spanish, Hebrew, and Arabic). Plenary sessions provided simultaneous translation; small group sessions couldn't.
Most participants knew very few others before arriving, even of their own traditions. Many of the Israeli rabbis who were there under the auspices of the rabbinate had never sat together with their Jewish counterparts. Many of the Imams had never met face to face with their counterparts from the other major traditions in Islam.
Even fewer had occasion to understand the local situation of what it meant to be Jewish or Moslem in other parts of the world - or, more poignantly, to be Jewish or Moslem in the same place! Imagine the significance of French rabbis and Imams speaking with each other.
Success, no solution
While no comprehensive solution to the Mideast conflict was achieved, informal interactions made the conference into a genuine success. Most participants ran out of business cards. Commitments to stay in touch, across national borders and religious boundaries, were the norm.
A concluding symbolism: At the opening session, the room was filled with rabbis in black coats and business attire and Imams wearing Kameez, Jubbas, and Jilbabs. During the dinner after the opening session, one could see self-ghettoized tables. Black rabbinic hats sat with other black rabbinic hats, knitted kippot with other knitted kippot, Kufis, Turbans and Tarboushes sat with their like. Only those few who were more experienced with this intergroup agenda sought to mix with those of other places and traditions.
But by the middle of the conference, robes and hats were intermingling. At the concluding banquet, the formal black hats were replaced by kippot, Moslem attire was more civilian, ties were loosened and the tables were mixed.
This intermingling doesn't guarantee that the rabbis and Imams gathered in Seville for peace accomplished all that needs to be done, but we surely left with a sense of guarded optimism - and that may have been the most important and lasting message of all.
Rabbi Richard Marker is a Senior Fellow at NYU's Center for Philanthropy and a co-principal of Marker Goldsmith Advisors. Brill teaches Jewish Thought at Yeshiva University and is the director of Kavvanah: Center for Jewish Thought.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
The Yarmulke, Kippah, Coppel Book
Simple beautiful illustrations by the author will encourage your child to be proud to wear his yarmulke or kippah or kippot The child in this whimsical picture book is always proud to year his, to remind him that Someone is above us all. Come along, wherever he and his yarmulke travel, through the day and around the year!
So I think this is a nice book to get
So I think this is a nice book to get
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
It is still windy and the kippot are flying
Hay spring has arrived and we are supposed to have a nice weather however if you walk down the street you feel the cold wind blowing, I can see people walking in the street and holding on to the kippot, I did see a kippah flying and someone running to catch it what a site to see.
So when is the real spring going to come out from hiding.
Will the real spring please stand up, please stand up ...!!
So when is the real spring going to come out from hiding.
Will the real spring please stand up, please stand up ...!!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Legislative breakfast
This morning I attended a legislative breakfast that the Jewish community hosted. It was interesting to so all this politician walking around with kippot on there head no matter the race or color everyone had a hippah on. The food was good, but who can eat Sunday morning a 9 am usual I am still fast a sleep at this time on Sunday, but this Sunday I had to get up early. .
So I started eating some bagels and lox tuna fish and kosher candy I am so full now I don't know what I was thinking I really don't know why I ate so much, all I was doing was eating and clapping my hand to praise the politicians IM so not a fan of politics.
So I started eating some bagels and lox tuna fish and kosher candy I am so full now I don't know what I was thinking I really don't know why I ate so much, all I was doing was eating and clapping my hand to praise the politicians IM so not a fan of politics.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
All the chocolate
All the good stuff left over from purim is making me sick. We have tons of candy and chocolate ever time I pass the kitchen I take one its driving me crazy I think im going to dump all of it on to the street I cant take it anymore I have to start my diet immediately. Can you imagine the amount of calories in all the Nash? I need to fast now for a few days
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
The kippot did not fly
Yesterday was Purim and it was windy I did worry that the kippot will be flying all over the place but it was not so windy and my kippah did not fly off may head. I was walking down the street and I cant believe how many people went around with funny costumes I have seen someone walk around with a big Gift baskets so big that 2 people had to carry it all the kids wanted to look at it
Monday, March 13, 2006
How will I do it
The forecast has rain in it so how in the world will I be able to deliver the basket that I got from the Kosher basket place, if you will be walking in the street you will be seeing kippot flying all over from the wind and all the purim costumes wet wow what a purim to see
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Its Time to get a basket
Its time I look to get a basket with the goodies for purim I am surfing the net to see what I can get and the best place I found is Oh Nuts they have a large selection og nice baskets for purim I like the chocolate and the candy its all about the junk food Happy Purim
Friday, March 10, 2006
Yes Yes I found it
Yes I found the perfect Purin Kipah its multi color kippot wow I hope I can still get it before purim I will ask them it they can ship over night this will be the perfect purim costume just like a clown Hee Hee.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
The Purim hat
Now its time to look for a funny purim hat, I am wondering if I can get purim kippot just like I can get sports kippot
im thinking of ordering a kipah with multi colors like every slice a different color im going to email to a1 skullcap if they can do it for me
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
What's up with the charity
Purim is knocking on the door and it did take care of getting Mishloach Manos I got it at Oh Nuts, its the Purim Hanger Basket and I paid for it $39 what a good deal now its time to take care of the charity I would like to donate to a widow at its about a widow that was let alone with 13 children the father died suddelny from a heart attack so I thing whatever I can do to help the family I will donate to the fund
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
How to choose kippot
Monday, March 06, 2006
Purim is around the corner
Its almost purim and I need to get Mishloach Manos I am screeching my head what do I get for my wife my mother and how about my boss wow I have problems I guess iw will check out oh nuts web site they have a beautiful selection of gifts and Mishloach Manos for any kind price it a real saver I will have them ship it IM OFF THE HOOK
Sunday, March 05, 2006
How can I get kippot
Its a few week before the bar mitzva and I am looking for kippot for the bar mitzva the hardest part is to find the site who will provide you with good quality kippot and Yarmulkes the one place i think is great is as soon as you come to the site you will see a large selection of kippot and Yarmulkes and other Jewish stuff you can get for a reasonable prices I loved visiting the site
Saturday, February 04, 2006
embed a google video
Starting the blog with a favor for may friend to show him how to embed a google video
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